Saturday, January 17, 2009

As the years go by and Iwatch my sons grow up I realize what an awesome responsibility God has blessed me with. He has given me these boys to mold them, train them, and raise them in His image. It's not easy being a parent, no one ever said it was. I often ask God why He gave me three boys, then I think back to my childhood and remember the good times that Mike, Matt, and Josh had and how close they were. At that point I thank God for giving me three boys, there is something about the friendship my brothers had that is so special and I can see the same friendship building in my own boys. God knew what He was doing, He always does.
I pray for my boys each day. I pray that their eyes will see the truth, their ears will hear the truth, and their mouths will speak the truth. As the older two get on the bus I worry about what they will come across at school and the only thing I can do is pray.
As I trip over their toys almost breaking an ankle, I yell for them to clean them up, but I know that one day their toys won't be there. They will be grown and I will miss tripping on their toys almost breaking my ankle. Right now I look down at them when I talk but deep inside I know that in a matter of a few years I will be standing on a chair just to see them eye to eye.
I love my three sons. I am proud of them. They do their best to be everything that is expected of them. I probably don't give them enough credit where credit is due.
Thank you Jesus, for giving me three sons to love and cherish all the days of my life!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 Resolutions

It's funny, I have made resolutions in the past and drop them by the end of January. I just can't seem to be able to give up chocolate completely:) I know it's a flaw but come on, I really have to give it up? My answer is NO!!! Anyway, my resolutions are:

1. Go to church more than I did last year
2. Leave my worries and concerns with God because He can handle them better than me.
3. Be a better example for my children
4. Eat a better diet. This does mean to cut back on the chocolate, but not give it up completely. I don't know, I think it's called self control or something like that:):)
5. Exercise at a minimum 3 times a week
6. Lose 20 pounds. I will be happy with 20 pounds but would like to lose more.

2008 Blessings (some were in disguise)

Ok, so we have made it through yet another year. So how were we blessed this last year?

We were able to pay all our bills on time and pay off quite a few of them as well. What a relief to send in the payment knowing it was the last one we were making on that card!

Always have food on the table...the boys don't seem to ever stop eating so this is an amazing accomplishment:)

We were so blessed to have a warm home to come home to everyday...too many families lost their homes this year

Jobs...this is a big one...Thank you God for giving both Luke and I jobs that support our family

I think this was the first year since Sam's birth that we have not had any major medical issues or family losses...Thank you GOD!!!!!!

Luke and I were blessed to be able to take a vacation by ourselves. We were able to reconnect and just enjoy each other, what a blessing!

God gave me the strength to continue school...I honestly do not know how else I have gotten through the last few semesters. I could not have done it on my own.

There were so many other smaller blessing that we ran across this year. Although, small or large, they are still blessings from God.

I can't thank you enough for what you have done for my family and me. Without you guiding us, I know we would not be where we are. I look forward to walking through this next year with you by my side. Picking me up when I fall, drying my tears, holding my hand when I am scared...

Thank you,