Monday, July 26, 2010

Wow, does time fly!

As I look back over the last 4 years tears roll down my cheeks and I wonder when this pain will end. I wonder how could this happen. I wonder why did God let this happen. Then I talk to the many people who knew my little brother and I know that he is in heaven now. I know that he passed on doing God's work. I know that he is happier there than he could ever be here. He has no pain or suffering, he is waiting for us. Yet, it hurts so bad.
Mike was asked by many friends to not go that weekend but he said no he had to go. He had to try one more time to get his buddy to turn his life around. When I heard that I knew for sure what a great man my brother was and only at the age of 24. He would give anything for anybody. He would drop whatever he was doing just to help out the next person. There was not a single selfish bone in his body.
I will never forget the amount of people we saw over the course of two days. My brother touched so many lives that Dover Center Rd became a parking lot during visitation hours:) There were some people who came for both visitations and the memorial service. However, there were many who only came for one. We saw, met, and heard from over 800 people who knew Mike and they all said what a great person he was, how well he listened, how much he had helped them, and of course what a great smile and laugh he had. We even got to meet the UPS delivery guy that use to deliver to Mike's job. The UPS guy! (In his uniform, in the middle of his route!) I think my jaw hit the floor when the pastor made the announcement after the memorial service that there was enough seeting for 500 people but there were way more than 500 people at the service. My brother's big heart reached so many people that the church was full! What a testament and legacy he has left behind. I can only pray that my children will grow to be such great men.
There are days that I wish I could just here his laugh again. Or see his beeming face. Or just be able to put my arm around him one last time to tell him how much I love him.
Thank you for being there for me whenever I needed an ear. Thank you for following God's direction for you. You have set an unbelievable example for all of us. I miss you and love you Mike.
God, please give my entire family and all who knew Mike the strength we need to get through this week as we celebrate and remember his life. Thank you for allowing us to have him in our lives as long as we did. Please continue to heal our hearts. Please bring forgiveness into our hearts.