Friday, October 3, 2008

The other day I was listening to the radio and they were talking about lawyers, specifically female lawyers. I thought it was funny because they were saying that mothers, along with their other job titles they carry throughout the day, they are detectives, lawyers, judges, and jury all rolled into one. They have to determine which child is the one they will represent, by being the jury first and listening to both sides of the story. Then they have to act as the judge to determine final judgment. Well, just yesterday I had the pleasure of being all four in regards to a broken tv. Yes, my middle child, Andrew, came in to me all frantic saying that Sam, the youngest, had tipped the tv over. I ran into the living room and sure enough, there was the tv,, face down on the floor. Of course, as the detective, I had to do the questioning to start the investigation. I asked Andrew where he was at the time of the accident, he was in the kitchen getting a drink and then he heard a bump, he ran into the living room and saw that Sam had knocked the tv off the stand. I looked at Sam and asked if he had knocked the tv down. He looked at me with his big brown eyes and said “I knock tv down”. At this point I had to be the lawyer and tell Andrew that I will represent him because I felt he was innocent, in the case of the tv. So due to the substantial evidence, I decided that there was no need for the jury and went directly to the judge. As the judge, I sentenced Sam to his bed until I said he could get up, he took a good two hour nap that day:)